Here are some of the most common questions clients ask, if you have any other queries, don’t hesitate to get in contact.

Getting a quote ?

The most reliable way for us to give you a pricing amount is to come in person for a consultation, but if you send us a few pictures of yourself along with a description, we will reply with a quote and more information. Send pictures via, Whatsapp, Email, Instagram.

How will i look after treatments ?

SMP has become such an effective hair loss solution because of its consistently natural and undetectable results. You can expect instant results with an immediately visible hairline as well as some redness, which will fade after a few days. Initially pigment dots can appear darker than planned. It may take up to four weeks before the pigments soften to their natural look and finished size. As mentioned before our treatments usually take three sessions with results improving after each.

Is it painful ?

SMP is a minimally invasive procedure that most clients describe as feeling a slight discomfort; typically described as a 3 on a scale from 1 to 10.

How long will it last ?

After completion of your treatment (2-4 sessions) a client should expect the strength of the color to last for many years. Over a longer term, a client will very gradually begin to notice slight lightening (not discolor) of the treatment. When this occurs they can undergo a brief “touch up” session to restore any fading and secure many more years of their style.

do i need to take time off work ?

SMP is non-invasive and requires no down time. In most cases, you will not need to take any extended time away from work, school, or other functions. After treatment it is common to notice slight redness on the scalp for 2-3 days post session. This redness subsides quickly and most clients return to work either right away or within a couple days. Clients are also allowed to wear clean hats or head wear should they feel the need.

How often will i need to shave my head?

It can be down to personal tastes and your speed of re-growth. Most clients tend to adopt a freshly shaved or ‘buzzed’ look shaving every 1-2 days. Letting your hair grow out will adjust the appearance thus we tend to advise that you take care to see what level of grooming is required.

Cost of treatments ?

After reading about everything that goes into the procedure, from the different ways treatment can help to the way treatment works, our average client with male pattern baldness falls within a pricing range of £800 -£1750   . (A simple scar cover-up may be less, and severe forms of hair loss may be more.) Of course, pricing for this kind of treatment isn’t going to be a one-size-fits-all kind of deal. Instead, there are a number of factors that will help us determine exactly how much your treatment is going to cost you: 

Does my skin type make a difference ?

If you have particularly dry or sensitive skin, additional considerations will have to be made by our team in how to treat you without hurting your skin. If you have lots of scar tissue or thick skin, we might need more treatments than someone without those things.